At E-litchi, we offer a detailed hair color chart that showcases all the colors we have available for our hair. Our color chart includes a variety of natural shades, as well as a range of colors for colored hair including rooted, ombre, and balayage shades.

#01 Jet Black

#1B Natural Black

#02 Dark Brown

#04 Medium Brown

#06 Light Brown

#08 Chestnut Brown

#10 Medium Ash Brown

#12 Golden Brown

#24 Natural Blonde

#26 Butterscotch Blonde

#27 Dark Blonde

#30 Light Auburn Brown

#33 Dark Auburn

#60 Platinum Blonde

#70 Bleach White

#613 Bleach Blonde

#99J Wine Red

#Blonde Gray


#Sandy Grey

#02SG-30 Dark Brown Mix 30% Sandy Grey

#02SG-70 Dark Brown Mix 70% Sandy Grey

#1BT4 Jet Black|Medium Brown

#2T6 Dark Brown|Light Brown

#4T27 Medium Brown|Dark Blonde

#4P27 Medium Brown/Dark Blonde

#12P613 Golden Brown/Bleach Blonde

#18P613 Ash Blonde/Bleach Blonde

#18T613 Ash Blonde|Bleach Blonde

#2T6P2 Dark Brown Balayage Light Brown

#4T27P4 Medium Brown Balayage Dark Blonde

#12T613P18 Gloden Brown Balayage Bleach Blonde/Ash Blond

#BBK Navy Blue

